Greater Manchester is investing in its young people, to inspire and prepare them for the fast changing world of work. The GM Enterprise Adviser Network, delivered in partnership with The Careers and Enterprise Company, bridges the gap between education and employers; enabling business leaders to work strategically with schools to guide and influence the development and implementation of an effective and innovative careers and employer engagement plan. The result…schools and young people are well networked and informed to achieve their full potential.
"The Network has allowed our business to fully support the careers aspirations of local young people. It has been extremely rewarding to see students really connect with something they had not considered, especially where there is a local and regional skills gap.
This approach can help to secure future regional and local business growth and develop young students into business people of the future. Enterprise Adviser" - K. Whittle. A.Connolly Ltd
Our aim is to ensure that young people have at least one meaningful encounter with an employer or experience of the world of work for every year that they are in compulsory education. Research shows that young people who have at least four encounters are 86% less likely to be unemployed or not in education or training, and can earn up to 18% more during their career.
At the moment only 40% of schools offer young people this kind of encounter, and unemployment among young people is three times higher than overall unemployment.

Schools and Colleges
Find out how your school or college can get involved in the Network